Projects in Design
- Bach-Buxton Road Roundabout
STATUS: Design work is still being finalized; funding for construction has not yet been secured
- Buckwheat Road Improvements
STATUS: Design is complete; funding for construction has not yet been secured
- Clermontville-Laurel Road Bridge Replacement (CLE-C31-0.41)
STATUS: Design work is still being finalized; funding for construction has not yet been secured
- Deerfield Road at Woodville Pike Roundabout
STATUS: Design work is just beginning; funding for construction has not yet been secured
- Felicity Cedron Rural Road Bridge Rehabilitation Project (CLE-C45-2.45)
STATUS: Design work is still being finalized; funding for construction has not yet been secured
- Glancy Corner-Marathon Road Bridge Rehabilitation Project (CLE-C54-2.16)
STATUS: Work on this project has been completed through the Planning phase; 100% CEAO funded
- Ireton Trees Road Bridge Rehabilitation Project (CLE-T39-1.20)
STATUS: Bid has been awarded. The project is expected to start Summer of 2024.
- Loveland-Miamiville Road Corridor
STATUS: Work on this project has been completed through the Planning phase; funding for construction has not yet been secured
- Neville-Penn Schoolhouse Road Landslide Project
STATUS: OPWC Emergency Funds received; Project Out For Bid.
- Round Bottom Road Bridge Replacement (CLE-C106-3.03)
STATUS: Environmental work is underway; project funding has been secured and construction is expected to begin in 2024
- Wards Corner Road Corridor Improvements
STATUS: Work on this project has been completed through the Planning phase; funding for construction has not yet been secured