South Afton Industrial Park – Phase 1

Project Scope:

The CCTID is currently working with local officials to support the development of the South Afton Industrial Park area.

In early 2016, the Clermont County Community Improvement Corporation purchased 242 acres of land at Half Acre Road and SR 32 in Williamsburg Township that will be developed as South Afton Industrial Park, a “business ready” site for manufacturers.

The CCTID is working with the project team to coordinate and manage access to and from the site. In addition to road access, the project includes water and sewer extensions, as well as natural gas, telecom/fiber conduit and construction of stormwater facilities.

Construction will be managed in a phased approach, as development across the site expands.

Construction Timing:

Fall 2016

Community Benefit:

Business ready sites are considered highly attractive to potential companies because they reduce the time it takes to locate and start operations in a given location. And as more companies locate in Clermont County, more jobs become available to local residents.

This development is expected to create more than 3,500 jobs and lead to $1.5 billion in economic activity per year once completed.

Construction Cost:

$2.5 million

Project Documents:

Project Status:

Site development and initial construction work is currently underway to support the first phase of development.

Additional information about this work is available at


