Aicholtz Road Roundabouts

Project Scope:

There are multiple components to the Aicholtz Road Roundabouts Project:

  • Aicholtz Road will be realigned between Eastgate Square Drive and Glen Este-Withamsville Road.
  • Three new roundabouts will be built at the following intersections:
    • Aicholtz Road and Eastgate Square Drive
    • Aicholtz Road and Glen Este-Withamsville (south)
    • Aicholtz Road and Glen Este-Withamsville (north)
  • Old Aicholtz Road will be disconnected from Glen Este-Withamsville Road and converted to a cul-de-sac. Larma Lane and Wuebold Lane also will be disconnected from Glen Este-Withamsville Road and a new connection will be built to tie the two streets together.
  • Sidewalks will be built and new lighting will be added throughout the project area.

Start of Construction:


Community Benefit:

This project will ease congestion throughout the Aicholtz Road and Glen Este-Withamsville Road corridors. Roundabouts will improve intersection safety and provide more efficient travel within the area.

Estimated Completion Date:


Estimated Construction Cost:


Project Documents:

Project Status:

Right of Way acquisition has been completed. The project has been completed.

Following are a few photos of our completed work. You can view additional project photos here.